When one door closes, another always opens. Last Friday I said good bye to my downtown job, and decided to take time off to travel. The Korakia Pensionne served as a good reminder of the charm of Southern Spain. But, weekend trips are never enough. So, rather than two weeks, I decided on almost two months.
I will be travelling to Barcelona in a few hours, and am excited for the start of my Grand Adventure. It will be my version of Eat, Pray, Love. Not sure what to call it yet or what I will discover. I am sure that I will take tons of photos, visit friends across the world, sightsee with my parents, enjoy Barcelona nightlife with former coworkers, and then join an art workshop for textiles in India. No Ashrams for me. But, there will be churches and temples, lake palaces and ancient fortresses.
The Grand Announcement is that I will be going to Spain, Dubai and then India! Looking forward to seeing the world, and venturing to the great unknown!
Follow along on instagram @bigggerbrighterbolder and I will return in November with a brand new and boldly inspired BigBrightBold.