Hello! A year late, but wanted to share the exciting new launch of my travel photos and art workshops in a new online home: www.ourartadventures.com
2016 was a whirlwind year of adventure. From sewing in a Tokyo farmhouse to exploring local California sites, the ever present wanderlust beckoned. The best part of the year involved the people I met and the art we made. I wanted to share the process and the stories with you in a new way.
A little preview about Art Adventures:
I like to make art and travel. I like to travel to beautiful places and capture their inspiring, colorful moments. From small craftsman villages only an hour outside of Tokyo, to far flung desert fortresses a day's journey from the nearest airport, I have been lucky to travel to the world's most beautiful places and capture their incredible creativity. Beauty is found in vibrant colors swirling around in giant metal pots. It is found in brightly colored cotton woven into kaleidoscopic tapestries.
Art Adventures are private studio visits and impromptu lessons from skilled artisans. They are behind-the-scenes invitations to different cultures passed down from generation to generation. Art Adventures shares these colorful and creative art playgrounds, showcasing a world connected through Travel and Art. Hope you enjoy the journey.